Stare: noua
Material foarte bun
Marime: S dar merge si pt M
Pret : 70 ron
Pret nou : 40 ron
Pentru mai multe detalii si comenzi, scrieti un mail la Livrarea se face personal in Bucuresti. Pt provincie, comanda de minim 30 de Ron. Primesc banii pe card si apoi trimit coletul, astfel ca taxa postala va fi doar de 2,6 ron/kg. Pt comenzi mai mari, taxa postala gratuita. Nu accept schimburi! ps: hainele arata mult mai bine in realitate decat in poze..
buna!am marea rugaminte de a ma adauga in blogroll-ul tau,daca se poate.multumesc de pe acum :)
As reported by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 KG less than us.
RăspundețiȘtergere(And by the way, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and really, EVERYTHING about "HOW" they are eating.)
BTW, I said "HOW", and not "WHAT"...
Click this link to see if this brief test can help you decipher your true weight loss potential